
Preparing for the Summer

We know that it could be somewhat daunting to be away from your son or daughter for multiple weeks. Villagers can head home on the weekend if they choose. On Sundays we hold a picnic that families are welcome to attend. That is just beginning. We will post items of interest on this page that you might find helpful as we approach the summer session.

What to bring to camp and what not to bring to camp

Everything each camper needs for the five weeks will be provided for them, with the exception of a few personal items. Outlined below is the list of items your child is required to bring to camp and a list of prohibited items that will not be allowed on the campgrounds. Please use this memo as a check list to confirm your child has all these requirements fulfilled.

  • Sleeping Bag
  • Shower Sandals
  • Insect Repellent
  • Special Soap
  • Medications (prescribed)
  • Toothpaste
  • Shaving Gear
  • Deodorant
  • Stationary & Stamps
  • Bathing Suits
  • T-shirts
  • Gym Shorts
  • Sweat Suits
  • Running Shoes
  • Sweat Socks
  • Towels
  • Sheets/Linens/Pillows
  • Laundry Service (for RBTV issued gear only)
Do Not Bring

Please read this note carefully. The Ron Burton Training Village is not responsible for any item that is brought by a camper or camper’s family to our facility. Campers should understand that there are no provisions for him to lock away or secure any kind of valuables, money, or electronics. Please see below the list of prohibited items and please adhere to this memo.

Except for the things mentioned above, everything a camper will need for five weeks will be provided for them and there is no reason to bring money.

Trunks or Footlockers
Because space is limited, please do not bring trunks or footlockers. Any item such as these will have to be sent home.

Cell Phones, Ipods, Walkmen, Radio
Part of our mission is to remove a lot of unconstructive habits and negative behavior as it relates to our training. Along with not being able to secure these valuable items, we are trying to create an atmosphere at camp that leaves behind the technological crutches to which young people have become accustomed.

Candy, Sweets or Junkfood
The training village stresses good nutrition and healthy eating habits. All candy and junk food will be confiscated by the staff. Parents please refrain from bringing such food to your sons and help us keep our camper’s training on target.

Jewelry is not permitted to be worn while at camp. Earrings, wristwatches, necklaces, chains, rings and bracelets are not only a health hazard while at participating in sports, they also misrepresent our goals while on campus.

Weapons or Illegal Substances
Weapons or any illegal substance are not permitted and possession of these is grounds for expulsion.

After the Summer

Parents, you can help us refine RBTV. Your thoughts, along with your observations of your Villager will help us serve them better.